
Top 10: Most Hated Countries in the World in 2022

You must have heard that reputation lies in the hands of the beholder. Some countries hold great importance around the world while others do not. Some countries are loved unanimously by all countries, while some others are loathed by all. There are various reasons behind the hatred towards certain countries. The foremost reason is the country’s government policies. Terrorism, internal conflicts, invasion policies, history, compromised human rights, hereditary conflicts can all contribute. Let’s see “Which is the most hated country in the world?” in the list below.

1) Russia

Russia is primarily hated by members of the Soviet Union for its attempts to control and overpower neighboring countries. Russia and Ukraine have a longstanding enmity because of Russia’s attempts at annexing the land. Russia is the most hated country among Europeans. Being superpowers, Russia and the United States have been contemporaries and long-term foes since the cold war. The ‘Russia-Ukraine Crisis’ has led to a sharp rise in hatred for Russia, thus making it the most hated country in the world.

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2) China

China is now the second most hated country in the world. The hatred towards China is deemed universal, They constantly attempt to gain control over the South China Sea and bully neighboring countries like Bhutan by creating fake land border disputes like the Sakteng wildlife sanctuary dispute. China’s large-scale illegal monster fishing fleets have led to overexploitation of sea resources, leading to huge economic and environmental losses. They have also been accused of debt trapping and intervening in internal matters of countries like Nepal. China’s Human Rights are heavily compromised with no freedom of speech or assembly. It has been accused of killing its Uyghur Muslims and also has the most active death penalty.

3) USA

You can’t have a top 10 most hated countries list without having the USA. The USA is hated by its inhabitants and the outside world for its saviour attitude in its foreign policy, its constant undue interference in the internal matters of other nations and forced regime change. Its involvement with countries like Syria and Afghanistan to curb terrorism killed many innocent people. Hatred for the USA increased after Joe Biden, President of the USA, announced an evacuation of its military and the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. Issues like white supremacy, racial discrimination, hate crimes, and gun culture have tainted the USA’s image.

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4) Pakistan

Pakistan has garnered much ire for grave human rights violations and harboring terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda. It is home to hundreds of UN-listed terrorists. Its association with the Taliban, whom they consider their guardian, has promoted instability in Afghanistan. Pakistan is also infamous for its religious intolerance. It has engaged in forced conversions of religious minorities like Hindus and Christians using brutal power tactics and the destruction of Hindu temples. They are accused of smuggling nuclear weapons to countries like North Korea and threatening countries with nuclear war. The list of most hated countries would simply be incomplete without mention of Pakistan.

5) Afghanistan

The next most hated country on this list is Afghanistan. Taliban terrorist organizations have severely paralyzed the country beyond repair. It is a high-profile war zone with people living in constant fear of bloodshed and death. It has cemented itself as one of the most ruthless countries by scapegoating millions of innocent civilians for its ulterior motives. After the Pakistan and China-backed Taliban terrorist group recaptured the country of Afghanistan on 15th August 2021, they implemented Shariya law in the country and killed millions of people who were against them. Taliban has been forcefully recruiting child soldiers and giving no heed to human lives, let alone human rights.

6) Israel

Israel is the most hated country among Middle East countries and some African countries. The hatred for the country of Israel is political and religious. The Israel-Palestine conflict between the Jews and Arabs has been one of the longest conflicts in the world, and it has led to massive bloodshed and human rights violations by both countries. The terrorism and the subsequent blame games between the two religious communities have killed several innocent civilians.

7) France

Many countries love to hate France because of its colonial past. The disastrous effects of nuclear testing at French Polynesia, the subsequent hiding of statistics, and poor damage control were a black mark on the country’s reputation. France had prior knowledge of the Rwanda genocide but did nothing to prevent it. Muslims were miffed when Charlie Hebdo, a French magazine, published cartoons of the Prophet, which the President also defended. The presence of French troops in other countries like Mali has invited the wrath of the locals of these countries.

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8) North Korea

The internal matters of North Korea are highly secretive. The country has the worst human rights record in the world. The repressive government led by Kim Jong Un curtails all the people’s fundamental rights, including freedom of expression, movement, independent media, and information. The civilians are barred from maintaining any ties outside the country. It has an ever-flourishing arsenal of nuclear weapons that pose a massive threat to the rest of the world.

9) Turkiye

The Turkish extremist President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan converting the Hagia Sophia Church into a mosque has created a furor among religious sects. Turkey has been accused of encouraging terrorism and shipping Jihadist Mercenaries to various countries. It has also given citizenship and passports to the Hamas operatives, a bone of contention with other countries under threat from these terrorist organizations. Turkey’s lapses in human rights and soured relationship with the US have upped its hatred quotient. Like China, Turkey also bullies its neighboring countries.

10) United Kingdom

Despite having a fascinating history, the United Kingdom is on the list of one of the most hated countries in the world. The UK has many black chapters in its history. They colonized many countries and used the Scorched earth strategy to destroy them before leaving. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Palchitaria massacre are among the many atrocities and war crimes committed by the British Empire. They looted Asia, Africa, and many other continents. In the Postcolonial era also, the UK was involved in War crimes in Iraq which even the International Criminal Court admitted between 2003-2009.

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These countries lie on the list of the most hated countries in the world. But let’s hope for a better tomorrow for the citizens of these countries so that they can witness the sun of a new day. More empowerment to them!

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