Top 11 Best Natural Air Purifier Plants that You Can Use to Style Your Bedroom & Home

When you hear Air Pollution, what usually pops up in your mind are automobiles, factories, and wildfires. We tend to associate air pollution primarily with the outdoors. What we ignore is a whole gamut of air pollutants that are thriving within our cozy homes and office spaces. Our indoors is not the haven that we think it is. Behind its spick and span façade is a breeding ground of pollutants like fungus, dust mites, disinfectants, and paints that have hazardous health consequences. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we are forced to stay put indoors more than before, increasing our exposure to the monstrous effects of indoor pollution.
While we cannot eliminate these toxins from our lives, nature has played a savior and granted us a bunch of air-purifier plants. Research by NASA has proven that installing certain plants leads to a significant dip in indoor air pollution levels. It is also found to promote creativity and mental well-being. This post shows how to choose some classic house plants ideal for not only cleansing the air you inhale but also for revamping the old corner of your room.
Here are 11 such magical plants that will not only style your homes but also promote health and well-being.
1. Indian Basil (or) Holy Basil
The Indian Basil is a star among herbs for its multifaceted benefits. Besides its wondrous healing qualities, its air purification game is top-notch! It emits loads of oxygen and absorbs the toxic carbon-di-oxide. It also wards off creepy crawlies with its radiant aura and refreshing fragrance. And the best part? It is low-maintenance and doesn’t demand a lot of your attention. All it needs to thrive is some mild sun and daily water. It Has great health benefits and is traditionally used in Ayurveda. No prizes for guessing that the Tulsi is pet-friendly! Great at surviving both outdoors (balcony) or indoors.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a very common houseplant and drives out Benzene and Formaldehyde. It develops spots when there are too many toxins in the air, acting as a monitor. It is known popularly as an ‘Oxygen Bomb’ for its capacity to ooze out oxygen in large amounts. Aloe Vera is a low-maintenance plant that can be kept anywhere ranging from your bedroom to the bathroom. Depending on the climate, one may need to water once a week or even less. Typically, aloe plants are grown in warmer climates, but they can be grown indoors during colder months. The plant can be used to promote better digestion and acne treatment therefore proving to be a very beneficial plant to keep around the house. It however needs to be kept out of reach of children and pets.
3. Peace Lily
Peace lilies undoubtedly grab all eye-balls among house plants, for their aesthetic appeal. But this plant has much more to it than great looks. Along with taking your breath away with its beauty, It also removes toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, letting you take deep worry-free breaths. The plant thrives in medium sunlight and needs to be watered extensively. Also, it isn’t as friendly as it poses to be. It cannot be ingested and needs to be kept away from pets and children. However, peace lilies are the most popular choices for indoor plants for obvious reasons!
4. Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos is one of the most loyal indoor plants there is. It won’t bug you with demands as it is extremely low maintenance and thrives in any condition. You can also afford to get a little forgetful about taking care of it, as it needs to be watered only once in two weeks. Choose a spot that ensures indirect exposure to sunlight and occasionally appreciate the poor plant, for, despite all the ignoring, the plant still lovingly purifies your air. Having said that, DO NOT attempt eating it or feeding it to your pets, as that would turn out disastrous.
5. ZZ Plant
Staying true to its cool-sounding name, the ZZ Plant is pretty cool in its function of scaring away harmful toxins like Xylene, Toluene, and Benzene. This tough plant, all the way from drought-prone Africa is resilient and can thrive in the harshest of environments. It can thrive despite complete neglect, making it the go-to plant for the lazy Toms. However, this plant is toxic and needs to be handled with caution around pets and children, and over-curious adults.
6. Weeping Fig
This plant is infamous for being extremely touchy. It is sensitive to changes in position. One needs to be careful to pour the right amount of water, at adequate intervals. When given sufficient care and attention, this plant does a pretty good job at air purification. It is best kept away from pets as it causes skin irritation and other harmful effects.
7. Bamboo Palm
The Bamboo palm can grow as tall as 6 ft and is spacey and hence requires an appropriate spot to facilitate its growth. In addition to being long and strong and pleasing to the eye, the plant is high on the air purification quotient and also in transpiration. It is largely a shade plant and can easily flourish in your bedroom. All it needs is generous amounts of water and some pruning.
8. Greek Spider Plant
According to the research by NASA, this plant is among the top three plants that diminish the presence of Formaldehyde from the air. It also speeds the recovery of patients in hospitals and wards off signs of depression and anxiety. It is a highly independent plant and can grow on its own with minimal care. What is even more impressive is that it is pet-friendly, making it one of the most convenient house plants.
9. Money Plant
Money Plant is popularly believed to be ushering in wealth and prosperity. While that remains to be tested, what is definitely proven is its ability to usher in good health through its function of detoxifying the air. It isn’t a fan of direct sunlight. It can be easily cared for and is safe for pets and children. However, think twice before planning any cooking experiments using the plant.
10. Snake Plant
Also known as ‘Mother-in-laws tongue’, the snake plant is the perfect ornamental plant and is quite the savior when it comes to ousting cancer causing Benzene, Formaldehyde, Toluene out of the air. It is a perfect defense against allergies and is low maintenance and not toxic. However, it is still not advisable to be ingested.
11. English Ivy
Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to ease a plethora of breathing difficulties like Asthma, COPD. It is perennially green and a sight to behold. Its presence also can set your creativity flowing and can be a perfect backdrop to your creative escapades.