
Top 7 Popular Cities You Need to Visit for Their Urban Street Foods

This year hasn’t been the best for tourism but there have surely been moments wherein you would’ve craved to bite into that sandwich, or visit that restaurant which popped up on your feed. Though, we can’t do much to fulfil those cravings, here are different cities from 6 different Continents which need to be visited for their urban street food. So once the pandemic is over, be sure to visit these cities.

1. London, United Kingdom

English breakfasts are quite popular throughout the globe, but the streets of London are no less than Nirvana for foodies. One can find the widest and the most delicious cuisines ranging from light wraps to gourmet meals on the lavish streets of the city. Perhaps the best aspect of London street food is the fact that it blooms with all sorts of cuisines throughout the world, making it seem more like Nirvana for all sorts of foodies. One can find the traditional scotch eggs with a twist, Indian food, fusion cuisine, there’s no end to this list. One should surely visit London solely for the street food it has to offer.

2. Cairo, Egypt

There are a lot of gems hidden in Afro-Asian cuisine which need to be explored, and Cairo is arguably the best place to experience them all. The streets of Cairo keep buzzing with the rich culinary heritage of the Middle East. A vast number of dishes which are native to the country make the experience worth a lifetime. Dishes like Fuul (a fava beans preparation) and Koshary (a mixture of rice macaroni and spaghetti) along with a number of Mediterranean dishes bring out the heritage of the country like nothing else. Cairo needs to be on your list of places to visit for sure.

3. Delhi, India

Delhi has the best combination of all of India’s culinary brilliance collectively scattered in the street food it has to offer. Some of the most popular Indian street foods can only be found by the streets of Delhi and nowhere else. Some of these famous delicacies include Chholey Bhaturey, Gol Gappe, Chholey Kulchhey which are the most common dishes that come to anyone’s mind when Indian street food is mentioned. Since it is the capital, one can find delicious dishes from different parts of the country. The momos one gets in Delhi are perhaps the best budget delicacies which almost everyone is in love with. This does make Delhi an important destination for food lovers.

4. Istanbul, Turkey

How can one not mention the stupendous street food of Istanbul in the world’s finest? Turkish traditions and the rich heritage of the country can be experience very well in Istanbul. Be it the Turkish tea, the Donner Kebabs or other traditional Turkish dishes, Istanbul is sure to leave you mesmerised by the markets buzzing with street food. There cannot be an excuse to not visit Istanbul for anyone who values experiences, irrespective of street food or travel.

5. Miami, USA

Talking of street food and not mentioning Miami is as good as missing out on one of the 7 wonders of the world. Miami, amidst all the hustle and bustle packs one of the most wholesome street food experiences in the whole world. The diversity in the cuisines simply make it much better. Right from hot dog vans, fast food vans and stalls to full-fledged meal joints, there is a huge number of options to choose from. The bottom line, Miami is heaven if you are into fusion cuisine and even if you are a foodie.

6. Sydney, Australia

The Sydney Opera House or the Sydney Harbour aren’t the only things which make Sydney a go to destination. Apart from a number of other reasons, the street food is surely one of the most important. The street food joints in Sydney add an Australian touch to the otherwise monotonous food one won’t prefer. This is not it, Sydney not only makes food interesting but like most capitals in this list has a wide variety of cuisines to choose from. The picturesque scenery in and around Sydney along with amazing delicacies make it a sure shot destination for anyone.

7. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

There are a huge number of high end eateries in Rio but nothing can even come close to the experience which is offered by the street food joints and their delicacies. One can find a vendors selling popcorn at every nook and corner of the street in Rio. The traditional Pao de Queijo (cheesy buns), Patel (Brazilian thin crust pies) and Tapioca (Brazilian pancakes) along with many other Latin American dishes make Rio de Janeiro a dream destination.

Now you know where you need to head to once situations get better. Though there can never be an end to a list like this, but the one’s mentioned in this list are sure to leave you spell bound.

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