6 Biggest Problem Youths Are Facing in The 21st Century

The youth of a country shows the real face and potential of the country’s development. The path of progress of a country is forged by the youth in their way in regards to the dynamic world. The youth should not be hindered in their way towards positive growth but what can not be ignored are the mistakes that stand as obstacles. With the changing economy and marvelous inventions that aim to make our lives easier, the current world-scenario has become completely different from what it was a decade ago. These obstacles prevent the youth from reaching their maximum capability and thus, the future of the country continues to look bleak. There are numerous problems that the youth is facing today, but let us break down some of the major ones to gain a better understanding.
6 Problems Affecting Youth Today in 2021
1. Job Scarcity
If there are not enough jobs in the present economy, how can you expect the youth to survive and lead a stable life? Jobs are important for a country’s growth. They bring essential financial stimulus to the area/country and lead to a greater standard of living. Job scarcity is a major problem that the youth is trying to cope with at present. The global employment rates stand around 6 at present but major instances of job scarcity are faced by youths of under-developed and developing countries like India, Bangladesh, Kenya, and Republic of the Congo. In the recent economy, jobs have been hit hard. The youth of the country depends on the salary from these jobs to live their life but the same is not the fate for everyone since jobs have become extremely competitive now.
2. Illiteracy
Illiteracy poses a problem for the youth and the future of the country altogether. If you are illiterate, you are unlikely to able to perform any skilled work that offers greater pay and a higher standard of living. If most of the youth in a country are illiterate then the country faces major problems in the future in coping with the pace of invention in this dynamic world. The youth can not bear to be illiterate for long. Thus, joint efforts should be made both from the parents and governments side to send children to schools and colleges. In the end, they will become skilled youth majoring in their interest that could serve the purpose of a country.
3. Lack of Financial Support For Higher Education
While literacy is of course important, the question of the hour is how much should the youth be educated to lead a good life? While there is no fixed measure for learning and higher education, what we can not ignore is that higher education costs money. Poor parents who previously surpassing hardships were able to get their children a primary education can not send them for higher education any longer because of higher expenses. To aid and curb situations like these, the government should introduce measures, financial support, and grant more scholarships to ensure the future of the youth in a country.
4. Lack of Policies For Self-employment
The capitalist economy has come as a boon for the global population, especially the youth who dream of being self-employed and owning a business someday. The rise of entrepreneurship-dreams is great for a country’s growth because it reduces the dependency on salaried employment while at the same time bringing more money into an economy. This self-employment dream needs to be motivated and supported by the government. Unfortunately not enough policies exist that serve are the interest of startups and small businesses in this country. To flourish the dream of self-employment now is high time for the government to introduce appropriate measures that will serve as a boon to the same.
5. Nepotism
Nepotism a common problem the youth deals with on a regular basis. The practice of nepotism signals the appointment of immediate family members or known associates to positions of power and authority without taking into consideration whether they are best suited for the same or not. The youth of a country, as expected, is bound to feel unsatisfied and discriminated against with these nepotistic practices if the same takes place at their workplace. Nepotism exists in major areas of employment and social change such as business, politics, entertainment, and sports. All of these instances of nepotism cause hindrance to the general youth of the country leading to resentment and self-doubt. Clauses and measures to curb the practice of nepotism must be introduced in most places to ensure those who deserve the opportunity is able to retain the same.
6. Corruption
Corruption in a country brings major controversy and impediment to the economy. Bribes to pass a bill or to prevent sanctions over an illegal business are often accepted by politicians and bureaucrats but what they fail to understand is that these practices will loom over the youth as obstructions in the near future. At an immediate level, the local practices of corruption in the hands of gangs and goons bring a negative level to the general educated and skill youth of a place. These instances often lead to the reduced scope of employment and leading a better life in a country. Anti-corruption drives by the youth are gaining large momentum. The present calls for the government to herd these demands towards anti-corruption and introduce appropriate measures regarding the same.
There are several other major problems that the youth of a country continues to face in their day-to-day life. While most do not point to the employment prospects, they still need to be heard and attended to. Violence, materialism, peer pressure, drugs/alcohol abuse, parental oppression, obesity, and mental-health management such as depression are stress are a few of the major problems that the growing youth of a country are enduring at present. With all of these in consideration, we can sure witness that the youth is growing up too fast and burdened. Combined with shifting economy, dependence on technology, poverty, political and social issues, the future scenario looks to be bleak for the current generation of youth if relevant stratagems are not taken and accepted by society and the government.