Top 10 Myths & Facts About Food-Nutrition You Should Know to Avoid Misinformation

A food myth is a misconception or a false idea about the nutritional factors of food. We are all guilty of believing some or other food myths. This leads to removing very nutritious food from our day-to-day life. We all need good food habits to ward off diseases and stay healthy, but it does not always work because of our belief in a few rules. To help you get on a strict diet and eat nutritious food, we have gathered 10 food myths that most people believe in. If you are thinking about starting a new diet, then this is a must-read. Go ahead and read on.
Myth: Not eating sugar helps control diabetes.
Many of us have heard that when one is suffering from diabetes, he or she should not consume sugar. But this is a myth.
Fact: Different foods have varying levels of sugar control, but this does not mean we should completely avoid sugar if we have diabetes. Sugar does not have any nutritional benefit, but different types of food, like fruits, yogurts, and vegetables, contain sugar and are very nutritious. We mustn’t ignore these foods. These food products are essential for our daily nutrition.
Myth: Consuming fat makes you fatter.
It is a total myth and do not believe it if someone says consuming fat makes you gain weight.
Fact: It is a very common myth that eating products containing fat makes us fat. But fat can be divided into two categories: good and bad fat. For example, processed food and fried foods contain bad fats and can be harmful. These usually contain trans-fat, which is unhealthy for the heart and may lead to weight gain. Bad fats also cause inflammation, which is the reason for many chronic diseases. Natural foods containing fat are the ones which are not nearly as harmful.
Myth: Eating gluten-free makes you healthier.
The most common myth we have all heard about is that eating gluten-free food is healthier.
Fact: Gluten-free food items have most definitely been making the rounds in the past few years. Though eating gluten-free food is healthy for people suffering from celiac disease, it is not the healthiest. Though one can consume gluten-free food to prevent the risks of celiac disease, beyond that, gluten-free foods do not have any other benefits. Processed gluten-free food products can actually be very harmful.
Myth: Coffee is bad for you.
Well, many of us must have heard that drinking coffee regularly can be harmful, but it is actually a myth.
Fact: The only probable unhealthy factor in coffee is its caffeine content. Otherwise, it has lots of health benefits. It has antioxidant properties which help in fighting chronic diseases. Coffee improves energy levels and burns fat. It contains lots of essential nutrients, like vitamins B2, B3, and B5. Coffee is also known to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
Myth: Dairy products are fattening.
Many believe that consuming too many dairy products can lead to weight gain and can be unhealthy. But this is also a myth.
Fact: Not all dairy products lead to weight gain. Dairy products contain essential nutrients like protein, zinc, vitamin B, and also calcium. Do not remove dairy products from your diet. It is a very essential part. Go for low-fat dairy products like skimmed milk, low-fat yogurts, and cheese. These do not contain any less calcium, rather, skimmed milk and semi-skimmed milk contain a higher amount of calcium than full-fat milk.
Myth: Honey is better than sugar for weight loss.
Many substitute sugar with honey, believing that it is less fattening, but it is a myth.
Fact: Sugar practically does not have nutritional properties. Whereas honey has lots of nutritional properties, it does not contribute to weight loss. Honey contains around 75% sugar and 25% water. It is much higher in calories than sugar. 1 tablespoon of honey contains 25 calories, whereas 1 tablespoon of sugar contains 16 calories.
Myth: Margarine is better than normal butter.
Do not believe if someone says that margarine has a lower amount of fat than butter. It is totally a myth.
Fact: Margarine is not at all healthier than butter. Both butter and margarine contain the same number of calories and fat. Moreover, margarine may contain hydrogenated vegetable oils which contain trans-fats. If you want to be healthy, it is a better option to skip both of them. Opt for liquid oils such as olive and canola oil.
Myth: Red meat is bad for you.
Many may say that red meat is bad for your health because it has a high-fat content. Do not believe them. It’s a myth.
Fact: It is believed that red meat consists of lots of artery-clogging saturated fat, but most of them are actually healthy monounsaturated fats. It is packed with varieties of vitamins, minerals, and iron.
Myth: Losing weight by skipping a meal.
Do not ever believe the saying that skipping meals reduces weight. This is definitely a myth.
Fact: Many celebrities may say that they maintain their figures by not eating most of the time, but never follow that rule. This is a very unhealthy habit that leads to unnecessary snacking, which is not healthy. Skipping meals might also reduce blood glucose levels and it is not a suitable way of losing weight. Do not ever do this.
Myth: Organic food is healthier.
Many people believe that eating organic food is healthier than eating non-organic food. But this is a myth.
Fact: Eating organic foods does not necessarily mean having healthy food. Organic foods are not much healthier than non-organic ones. The term ‘organic’ is referred to as the farming or the processing methods used to manufacture foods. For example, organic bread, cakes, and biscuits have as much fat, sugar, and carbohydrate content as their non-organic counterparts.